As I sit down to the write this the rain is pouring down. It is typical west coast winter weather, mild but wet, and very gray. This time of year can be challenging for many of us. The darker weather and the pressure to attend events, family gatherings, and holiday spending, can create a lot of stress and stir unpleasant memories for many.
My hope with this post is first to say if you're feeling any of the above things you are not alone. In spite of the glossy pictures on social media many people struggle getting through the holiday season. We can feel isolated this time of year if our inner state doesn't include a christmas soundtrack or match the outward bustle in shopping malls. Please remember that you aren't required to love this season even if it feels that way.
It can be helpful to Reclaim the Holiday. If external pressures to do and see certain people have you dreading the next few weeks consider reclaiming this time of year for yourself. What is most important to you? What might be worth celebrating? What kind of traditions and rituals are important to you? How would you like to connect with others? How can you let others around you know how you might or might not be participating this year? Is there anything about this time of year that you'd like to build on? Is there anything that really important to let go of?
If we are really struggling, it's important to know what our resources are and even have a list handy. My previous blogpost Surviving Exhaustion - Tools & Resources (lifeisbeautifulsomatictherapy.com) explores creating a resource list as well as offers a few helpful meditations.
December Workshop
I am offering a Restore and Renew workshop at Live Yoga on December 10 2-4pm. This two-hour workshop will include gentle movement, restorative yoga, meditation and aromatherapy, a nice way to move into our ventral vagal system. It is $40 (link to registration is below) but if funds are a problem and you could really benefit from this practice, please email me directly kerri@lifeisbeautifulsomatictherapy.com

Please register for Restore and Renew at Live yoga Restore to Renew - A Gentle Restorative Yoga Workshop | Live Yoga | White Rock & South Surrey Yoga Studio
Live Yoga is a local yoga studio owned by the O'Leary family. It has a comfortable community feel with a lot of amazing classes and teachers. Please check it out: Live Yoga | White Rock & South Surrey Yoga Studio
I am offering a Restore and Renew workshop at Live Yoga on December 10 2-4pm. This two-hour workshop will include gentle movement, restorative yoga, meditationerapy, a nice way to move into our ventral vagal system. It is $40(link to register but if funds are a problem and you could really benefit from this practice, please email me directly mail me directly ail me directly il me directly l me directly me directly me directly e directly directly directly irectly rectly ectly ctly tly ly y
I wish you all a restful and connected winter season.